Nina F
19 Jan 2023
Don't miss Women In Music Hong Kong's first industry mixer event on the 2nd of February 2023
Even before before the pandemic hit and with it the strict lock-downs in Hong Kong, the city went through six months of turmoil during the protests. All of this meant that any gains that could have been made to further the cause of a fairer more balanced music industry went out of the window. Venues were shut and live music cancelled for the best of 3 years, many to never return.
Where do we go from here? Live music is slowly coming back, but much has changed. The feelings of isolation, being cut off and still somehow trapped in a bubble are hard to shake off.
This is why we have decided to get organised.
Join us on Thursday 2nd of February 2023 at 6 pm for our first WIMHK Mixer Event at Silva Studios and connect with likeminded women and supportive men from Hong Kong's music industry and community.